Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bredesen and TN Demos lack any Class

This from today's News-Sentinel. The TN Demos and the Democrat candidate for Governor Phil Bredesen have a group that are following the BIG Bryson bus. State Senator Jim Bryson is the Republican candidate for Governor. Brian's Blog has had many post about our next Governor, Jim Bryson.

The individuals that Bredesen and his wife Andrea Conte have following Bryson have been pushing people and creating disturbances at the events of the 30 day 95 county BIG bus tour. The Bredesen staffers have been videotaping and causing disturbances, including shoving a Republican County Chairman in Southeast Tennessee. Individuals that are supporting our next Republican Governor Bryson have in a couple of incidents pointed a laser pointer, not in the eyes of the Bredesen staffers but at their video cameras to cause the video to be out of focus.

Brian's Blog believes it is best to leave the classless Bredesen staffers alone until they start shoving, which the Bredesen staffers acknowledge they have done. When they shove or in their words "rub elbows" they should be arrested and prosecuted for assault. They have vandalized the BIG bus by placing Bredesen stickers on the bumper, the fact is this is the only way the Bredesen staffers can get Bredesen stickers on vehicles is to place them there without the vehicle owners knowledge. The Bredesen staffers should be arrested and prosecuted for vandalism. Newspaper articles like this one demonstrate how desperate Bredesen and the Demos are in an attempt to retain power. The Bredesen people have said that Jim Bryson is not a credible candidate and their guy is going to win. Obviously this is not the case when Bredesen has his brightest and best tailing a BIG bus.

Bredesen is utilizing Ford family tactics to intimidate and bully his way for another 4 year term. This is yet another example of his classless leadership, like inflating high school graduation numbers, shredding sexual harassment documents on members of his administration, corruption throughout the Tennessee Highway Patrol, his mis-management of the TNCare program, increasing unemployment numbers ......................................................................

What these Bredesen staffers should have been doing this week is holding prayer at the bedside of Bredesen, he was hospitalized for the entire week and canceled all campaign and work activities due to a "reported" tick bite. Bredesen needs to rest as he has health concerns.

The question arises is Bredesen's health capable of serving Tennessee for four years?

Brian's Blog sends Get Well Wishes to Bredesen and hopes his health improves. Rest on Bredesen's part and thoughts and prayers are needed for his recovery.

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