Monday, August 21, 2006

Knox County School Board doesn't want your input

In this past Thursday's edition of the Farragut Press, the Fifth District School Board member is requesting public support for a 2100 student capacity Hardin Valley High School and the public assistance in convincing the County Commission to fund the $6.0 million dollar cost over runs. The letter is located here.

The interesting part of the letter is the last bullet point.

Attend the community meeting. On Thursday, August 24th at 7:00 PM we will be holding a Community Meeting at Bearden High School to discuss the enrollment analysis for the Farragut, Bearden, Karns and Hardin Valley areas.

The problem with this community meeting arranged by the Fifth District School Board Member is that West Valley Middle School will be having their Parent Night at the same time. West Valley Middle School is fed by Elementary Schools; Bluegrass, Lotts, Rocky Hill and Cedar Bluff Intermediate. Many of the families that have students at West Valley have an interest in the overcrowded conditions of all the schools in West Knox County and would like to attend the meeting, but have in essence been locked out of the process.

The message received by the citizens, particularly those of West Valley Middle students is that the School Board does not desire the input of the parents of West Valley Middle School or they desire that the parents do not attend the West Valley Middle School Parent Night meeting.

On this issue the School Boards message on Parental Involvement? We don't want you or need you.

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