Saturday, August 12, 2006

Bryson Prayer Force

Today's News-Sentinel has this story, from Tom Humphrey. The headline of the story and the story never come close to one another. There is nothing in the story about a bumper sticker on the "BIG" bus. It would appear that Scripps is attempting to make fun of or portray the Bryson campaign in a mockery fashion.

In the opinion of Brian's Blog this is a good story. People of faith ralling around a public servant, is a good thing. Brian's Blog has been fortunate over the years to have a group of Prayer Warriors constantly lifting Brian and his family to the Father.

The Bott Radio Network has the following email posted on their website.

Bryson Prayer Force“Tennessee in Prayer for Good Government”

“Keep on asking and it will be given to you;Keep on seeking, and you will find;Keep on knocking reverently, and the door will be opened to you.”Matthew 7:7 [Amp.]

Dear Praying Friend,
We are sending this E-Mail to you on a “one time only” basis, because we want you to have the opportunity to know about and, if you wish, to participate in the Bryson Prayer Force and to let others in your circle know about it.

When State Senator Jim Bryson announced that he was running for Governor in the Republican Primary, we realized that we had the opportunity to support this fine Man of God in prayer, in his desire to bring conservative values to the Capitol. We have a rare opportunity to participate in the “change of culture” of our State’s government, not only with our votes in the August 3 Primary and the November 7 General Election, but even more importantly, through our prayers.

The Vision of the Bryson Prayer Force:

An Advisory Board is coming together for the purpose of lifting a Shield of Prayer over Jim, his wife Carol, their children Maria, Nadia, Nicholas and Alex, and their Campaign, the Campaign’s Chairman -- former Governor Winfield Dunn, Campaign Manager Gregory Gleaves, and the Campaign’s Staff and Volunteers, so that Jim’s efforts will advance smoothly and in excellence, and will glorify God at every turn. We will “stand in the gap” for Jim and his family, and all of his Team, in appreciation for his service to our State, and in the privilege of participating in unified prayer with him for our State.

Prayer Coordinators in the Three Grand Divisions of the State, WestTennessee, Middle Tennessee and East Tennessee, will work to recruit dedicated Intercessors for the Bryson Prayer Force.

A Youth Prayer Coordinator will be deployed to recruit and marshal the prayers of our wonderful praying Tennessee Teens and Children to intercede with energy for the Brysons and the Campaign.

Weekly Prayer Alerts from are planned to be broadcast over the Internet every Monday, to call, unify and equip the Bryson Prayer Force for its important intercessory prayer work for the week. If an urgent prayer need arises, a special alert may issue for this purpose at any time. Those receiving the Prayer Alerts will be in a list of undisclosed recipients, so that those who desire anonymity for participating are respected. A short list of specific prayer points and Scriptures will be identified for the week and/or for the special need, and we anticipate that the devotional quality of these Prayer Alerts will be a blessing, not only for those being prayed for … but also for those who are doing the praying! (That is our desire!)
Monthly Prayer Events are envisioned, for each of the Three Grand Divisions of the State, to allow Bryson Prayer Force members to gather, face to face in unity and fellowship, to lift up the Bryson Campaign in prayer and thanksgiving and blessing.

We invite you to join us and to help us bring the Bryson Prayer Force together! To participate as a member of the Bryson Prayer Force, please just do the following:

1)Send us an E-Mail at: and in the subject line, type “Subscribe”. If at any time you no longer desire to participate, just send an E-mail to the same, and indicate “Unsubscribe”.

2)Tell us in what County in Tennessee you reside. We will use this information to assign you to your Regional Prayer Coordinator so you can be contacted by E-Mail about any Prayer Events in your area. Participation in this is always optional.

3)Also, please feel free to “Forward” this “one time only” E-mail to any of your praying friends, family, Church friends and Intercessors, community friends and your “network” who will have a heart to pray for Jim and his Team and invite them to become a member of the Bryson Prayer Force.

We hope to hear from you, and to have you join us in supporting Jim Bryson and all that he stands for, and all who stand with him, in prayer.

In Grace ---

Bryson Prayer Force“Tennessee in Prayer for Good Government”

Blair Morgan, State Coordinator Sarah Lowe, Senior Intercessory

To become a member of the Bryson Prayer Force, and receive periodic Prayer Alerts, please send an E-Mail to:, and request to “Subscribe”. To be taken off of the Prayer Alert, send an E-Mail to the same, and request “Unsubscribe”.

*** Please Note: The Bryson Prayer Force is not affiliated with the Bryson for Governor Campaign. For official information on the Bryson for Governor Campaign, you may go to the following website:***

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