Sunday, August 13, 2006

Scripps Halls Paper

This from tomorrow's editorial column of the Halls Shopper News, now referred to by Brian's Blog as Scripps Halls paper. The editor, Sandra Clark in her column about the proposed Midway industrial park says:

Frankly, the fix is in on this rezoning. The 100 or so residents who gathered Saturday at the farm of Bob and Bo Stultz will need help from a cross-section of Knox County residents to win their battle against The Development Corporation, the Chamber Partnership, The Other Paper, both mayors and assorted other movers and shakers.

An attack on "The Other Paper"? That rhetoric worked about a year and a few months ago before she sold the entire operation to "The Other Paper". She now attempts to seperate herself from the media conglomerate that she is now employed by.

In East Knox County (where I spent my life until 1992) there is an old saying, That dog won't hunt.

The citizens of Thorngrove must understand if "The Other Paper" is against them than the employee would be as well. The editorial talk doesn't match the walk.


  1. Hey Hornback: In case you haven't noticed, we're still editorially independent. Let's go have lunch, pal.

  2. O.K. I believe you. I just wouldn't jeopardize it, if I were the editor, I ain't.

    I will be happy to accept a lunch on my buddy mabe.
