Sunday, October 08, 2006

Campfield Wins First Debate

State Representative Campfield debated his opponent for over 11 minutes on Tennessee This Week, this afternoon. Rep. Campfield proved to be the most experienced, articulate candidate in the race to best represent the citizens of the 18th District. Here is the photo from the WATE website. His opponent didn't even get face time on the photo.


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    I have to disagree. Rerp. Campfield sounded bad - merging education with illeagal immigration? A poor man's Bob Vila? I live next to one of Rep. Campfield's rental properties. He's no Bob Vila, rich or poor. While Rep. Campfield did handle himself well enough this debate was no slam dunk for him. He'll need the future debates.


  2. It should be noted that SteveMule has NEVER supported a Republican. Future debates will only continue to demonstrate that the Demo is not ready for prime time or anytime.

    She has sold herself to the Democrats in the house due to her job and her husbands job. I know that SteveMule disagree's with that story, however it is factual, because the Democrats have not had the Metro Pulse retract it.

    The only hope that the Demos have is to turn negative on Rep. Campfield and when they do it will energize Campfield's base and instead of knocking on every door seven times they will knock on every door ten times.

    btw, the demo nominee will get the same result that she received two years ago when she was responsible for Hank Barnett, the demo against Frank Niceley, another Loss.
