Sunday, October 08, 2006

Hardin Valley High School Part IV

Board hires PBA for school project

Published on June 25, 2005, Article ID: 417067558

The Knox County school board did an about-face and voted 6-3 Friday to hire the Public Building Authority to oversee the new West Knox County high school construction project. But it's not a done deal.

The vote came with a condition -- the Knox County Commission must agree to pay PBA's $550,000 fee if PBA is unable to prove it saved the school district that much money.

The savings, PBA officials said, would come in part from closing

This is an article that was published on June 25, 2005. County Commission in September 2006 approved an additional $6.0 million dollars bringing the project to a $50.0 million dollar price tag. PBA has failed to keep their commitment to save the school districts price tag and maintain the $40.0 million dollar price tag.

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