Thursday, October 26, 2006

Chad Tindell is at it again

UPDATE: I have been told that Chadwick B. Tindell is now saying that he has never used the word blackmail. I am relying on the stories that have been told to me by several members of the Knoxville media that have asked me for background information on what Chad has said to them off the record since the Saturday newspaper hit the streets. I have NEVER shopped a story off the record to make a story appear in the media. Chad can say these are his friends. He maintains that is talking to his friends and they just happen to work for the news sentinel, citadel or a tabloid. Whatever.

Sidebar; Chad wasn't pleased on Saturday morning that his friend released his emails to her employer for publication or at least that is what he communicated to me.

This post is directly from Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog.

I have been contacted in the past three days by various media representatives in Knoxville. They are asking about background information and trying to determine if the latest contact they have received from Chad is accurate and what is the motivation for him talking to them 10 months after the alleged incident occurred.

I have been active in Republican campaigns since 1982. I am known as an activist Republican. When Chad made the decision not to run for Chairman in late 2004. I was approached by many individuals and made the decision to run.

This past Saturday some emails were published on the knoxnews website that were sent back and forth about my election as Chairman. In these emails Chad would say to various media persons "You didn't hear this from me" or other off the record type comments. The various media persons responded back with some personal views of their own about and toward me.

I am accustomed to individuals having a different or opposing view regarding positions that I take or have taken. A person that has been active with political campaigns for as long as I have and/or has served as an elected official for four years as I have understand that people at times become juvenile and say things that they may or may not mean in the heat of the moment. It is interesting to note in the emails that were published Saturday that Chad was attempting and in part was successful in spreading dissension and attempting to create dis unity within the party. I am proud to say that during the local 2006 elections the Knox County Republican Party was more unified than it has been in a number of years.

In the conversations where the media have contacted me the past three days. I am being told that Chad is communicating off the record through phone conversations to various media and that he may have even said on The Voice on AM 1180 on Monday that he was blackmailed in January 2006 with these emails. I do not know if he was or wasn't. I will leave that up to whomever conducts the investigation into Chad's claim. What I find interesting in this latest Chadwick incident is that he is now again spreading a rumor to create a story.

Had I been in his shoes as a judicial candidate I would have stepped forward in January and created some sympathy for my candidacy. In hind sight if I didn't jump on it in January and report it to the authorities at the time than I probably wouldn't report it 10 months later.

2006 was not the first time Chad has been unsuccessful for elective office. In 1998 Chad was defeated for a seat on the County Commission by County Commissioner Phil Guthe. There was a vacancy in 1998 in which the seat was up for grabs.

I feel it is unfortunate that Chad's emails were taken and spread about town as they have. I have been a victim of theft and I find it is a violation of your person and your property. It could be as sinister as it has been portrayed or it could have been someone with access using his username and password. That could be identity theft or a person with authorization. I do not know the answer to that. That is for the appropriate authorities to figure out.

My wish is that

1) That folks do not feel so motivated to resort to name calling and using dirty mouth language.
2) That individuals report incidents when they occur.
3) That individuals do not resort to whisper, rumor, innuendo and anonymous postings or communications about people or positions.
and finally
4) As Republicans let's work for a sweep of all Countywide elected offices and a Super Majority on County Commission. A Super Majority is 13 and for the next 4 years there are 14 Republican County Commissioners. On August 3, 2006 the Republicans swept every Countywide elected position that the Democrats challenged.


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    Actually, you didn't have a sweep of EVERY seat where Dems challenged; Democrat Mark Harmon won and Republican Collins lost. Other than that everything you've said is right on.


  2. Mr. Hornback,
    This is good and while many will continue to disagree with you about this that and the other thing, this clears up a great deal. Continue to be forthright and I'll have your back - believe it or not.


  3. I know it can be confusing for a democrat to understand this. The sweep is every Countywide race. Your party challenged 5 countywide offices. That was a sweep. You lost with Andrews, Bailey, TYREE, Emge and Irvine.

    Commissioner M. Harmon wasn't elected countywide, he was elected in district 2. The commission races were held out seperately in this post.

    Now do you understand the difference or do you need to go to study hall.

  4. Mr. Hornback,
    I see and understand the distinction but not the difference - you mentioned 14 commissioners, used to be 15 ... hmm ...


  5. My response of 4:26 the third one was a response to your first comment.

    This is my response to your second comment. Thank You.

  6. O.k. Steve. On August 3rd, 2006 all 19 County Commission seats were up for grabs. There were a four that were unopposed. Scott Moore (R), Craig Leuthold (R), R. Larry Smith(R) and Billy Tindell (D)

    The Demos ran write-ins against Smith and Tindell, leaving the Republicans with two unopposed. So, we (Republicans) started with 2 (assuming Moore and Leuthold voted for themselves) We (Republicans) were victorious with 12 leaving the Republicans with 14, 1 more than a Super Majority.

    The Demos retained the 4 current seats they had, Jordan, Strickland, Tindell, Cawood. They won one seat M. Harmon.


  7. Mr. Hornback,
    I understand. There used to be 15, now there are 14 Commissioners and all the County Offices were won by you guys. No issue with that.

