Thursday, October 26, 2006

Rick Santorum

This is why Brian Hornback likes Senator Rick Santorum. No going along to get along career politician. An elected official that takes a stand and doesn't give an inch. There are too many rubber stamp behind closed doors off the record politicians. We need more individuals like Rick Santorum


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    Excellent ad. Clear, concise, well done. Is it truthful? That would depend on who/what was doing the fact checking. It doesn't take away what a well done ad this was. It won't make any difference tho, Rick Santorum is done.


  2. It is rather amazing hard core demos like my friend SteveMule and the tabloid writer and editor in Knox County, just declare races done. In hopes that everyone will read their tabloid crap and not vote, thus allowing their one or two friends that meet with them in a dark corner somewhere to determine who will win. It isn't over until polls close on November 7, 2006.

    Sorry Steve. For lumping you in with a tabloid writer and editor. I will make it up to you later down the road.

  3. Mr. Hornback,
    No problem.
    There will be no surprises in Pennsylvania - that's all I'm saying. You are absolutely correct in saying it's not over until it's over.

