Sunday, October 01, 2006

Knox County Schools doesn't want your input...Do they?

O.k. The Knox County School Board announced three - four weeks ago the following community meetings. The meetings are to "solicit" public input on the Hardin Valley High School zone lines.

The meetings were announced by the Knox County School PR office as:
Monday October 9, 2006 6:00 p.m. @ Bearden High School
Tuesday October 10, 2006 6:00 p.m. @ Farragut High School
Thursday October 12, 2006 6:00 p.m. @ Karns High School

So, then imagine everyone surprise last week when the Knox County Schools PR office put out a Revised schedule and the second event was moved up 8 days from its original date. The new meeting is on

Tuesday October 3, 2006 6:00 p.m. at Farragut High School.

Why would Knox County Schools chose this day?

Because at West High School is the debate between Governor candidates Democrat Phil Bredesen and Republican Jim Bryson. With parents at a meeting at Farragut High School, they will NOT be watching the debate, nor attending the debate which favors the incumbent. Or, with parents watching the debate or attending the debates, turnout will be low at the Revised meeting date and with only a few days notice of the Revised meeting day, the board will not have to tolerate parent views at the meeting.

The official excuse "spin" is that there was a meeting already scheduled. 1) Didn't the PR office know that when they scheduled it four weeks ago? Or 2) Multiple meetings have been held at Farragut High School before. What's the BIG deal?

A couple of interesting items on the school boards agenda for Wednesday October 4, 2006.

First, this item is on the Consent agenda: P. Grant approval for Karns High School to purchase gym sound and video system for $10,242.96 provided by funds from PTSA and Coca Cola Educational funding

At Elementary and Middle Schools no snack food or outside food is allowed to be brought into the schools from parents or other individuals. Brian's Blog was wondering, why high schools did not have the same requirement. It appears that Prinicipal Clifford Davis at Karns High School has cut a deal with Coca Cola.

Second, this item doesn't make sense. Are they asking that the school be picked up and sent to Nashville? What are they asking? 8. Approve request from Kaatz, Binkley, Jones, & Morris Architects, Inc. to Amherst Elementary School in the Tennessee School Boards Association School of the Year Award for Excellence in Architectural Design

Here is the link to the School Board Agenda. I am sure the PR office will fix it Monday October 2, 2006.

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