Sunday, October 01, 2006

Tennessee Marriage Protection Amendment - Traditional Marriage Vote on November 7, 2006. Early Voting October 18 - November 2, 2006

Mountain 'publican has an excellent post on the Tennessee Marriage Protection amendment. He specifically spells out the requirement for passage of the MPA. He also records that there are some Democrats with some common sense values, unfortunately they aren't from around here. They are in Middle Tennessee with a few from West Tennessee.

Here is the Requirement for Passage of the MPA, in the words of Mountain 'publican:

Passage of this Constitutional Amendment requires: (1) a majority of the votes cast AND (2) the number of votes cast in favor of the amendment must be equal to more than half of the votes cast in the Gubernatorial race. For example, should there be 2 million votes cast in the Governor's race, and 999,999 people vote for the amendment with only 1 person vote against the amendment, it will fail. There must be enough "YES" votes to constitute a majority in the Governor's race or in this example, 1,000,001 votes would be necessary for passage.

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