Thursday, November 16, 2006

Breaking News: Tuke is Exiting Stage Left

UPDATE: The Brian's Blog staff have researched and discovered that Mountain 'Publican (a fellow responsible blogger and a link buddy) prophesied this on October 29, 2006 . Read it here.

The Nashville City Paper is reporting that Bob Tuke will not seek another term as Chairman of the Tennessee Democrat Party.

This kind of thing happens when you are the only state Democrat Chairman not to pick up one seat in the State's lower chamber. (State House) Couldn't beat Campfield or Matthew Hill. You only pick up one seat in the state's upper chamber. (State Senate) Couldn't win an open U.S. Senate seat.

We Republicans will miss Tuke. We would like Tuke to hang around for another beating. A likely replacement may be Knoxville native Doug Horne.

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