Saturday, November 18, 2006


UPDATE: I have decided that since the KnoxViews forum is so dependent on no conservative speak. I have decided to remove myself from their forum. If you see anything purporting to be from me as BriansBlog, Chairman or Knox County Republican Party Chairman. It isn't me and only the three or four "administrators" including R. Neal or other regulars on the forum attempting to impersonate me for their greater good. I am no longer a particpant in that forum at my decision and no one elses.

I have posted somewhat irregularily over at KnoxViews. On Friday an anonymous post went up about the Halls Shopper News and was taken down when some if not most of the information was re-buffed by Shopper attorney and City Councilman Rob Frost. That decision was O.k.

I then posted an entry entitled Halls Shopper News. There was some good discussion. Betty Bean or BBeanster (the assumption on-line is that it is the same tabloid journalist that has lingered in Knoxville for a number of years, working with publications like Knoxville Journal, Metro Pulse and now tabloid Halls Shopper) when I responded with facts, the post and all discussion disappear. Obviously when the facts hit them squarely in the nose, KnoxViews people just can't handle the truth. Bean had made the statement that I had gone on record indicating what my future would be regarding the position of Chairman. I corrected the statement that I haven't gone on record with her or any of her types (tabloid), not even the real journalists that I like in Knoxville.

I received an email from Marty Smith concerning a similar treatment from KnoxViews last week. Brian's Blog will work to make contact with Marty Smith and may open a guest forum spot for Marty Smith. Also, Brian's Blog has received a comment from another person indicating that a forum administrator of KnoxViews has contacted posters and threatened to contact certain individuals to get them in trouble. It sounds like threats and intimidation on the part of some KnoxViews administrators that do not like opposing views.

Over the weekend, several regular posters and commenters have aggreed that KnoxViews should implement the Brian's Blog policy of no anonymous commenters and posters. The KnoxViews forum is NOT open to all. If you disagree with the administrators position they will simply delete your comments and postings.

If you have comments about posts on Brian's Blog and do not want to establish a blogger account. Simply send an email to the address in the Profile. Brian's Blog will work to get it added in some form or fashion. You do not have to be subjected to Hitler style treatment to have your say in Knox County, East Tennessee or the blogosphere. This is a America.

This is not Harold Ford, Junior country where if you don't like what is being said. You shout and lie about the facts. This is BOB CORKER COUNTRY. Where everybody gets to speak their mind and correct lies that are said about you. Come on along. Get on board.


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    You are over reacting. Besides, you block, delete, discard many of my comments all the time. I've been keeping copies of everything I've ever attempted to get posted here.
    The fact of the matter is that KnoxViews is R. Neal's blog and he can run it anyway he wants and your approval or disaproval is simply not relative and at best an insignificant triviality.
    The same goes for you blog - you've posted your Rules of Engagment and anyone that doesn't like it go somplace else.
    So relax, think of whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things and don't worry about KnoxViews.


  2. I agree with what SteveMule says here. The problem is that the moderator had no problem with BBeanster stating misinformation and when she is corrected by me all is deleted.

    He was one sided out of loyalty to Bean.

    As for when SteveMule is rejected. He is 1) off topic 2) ignorant of the story (getting Michael English confused with someone else)and/or the team just doesn't want to subject the readers of Brian's Blog to his ramblings. It is our blog, after all.

  3. I will check with my source to determine if they wish to pursue it any further.

    It is a person that I have known for a great many of years and do not believe they would willingly and knowingly lie.
