Wednesday, December 20, 2006

County Commissioner Mark Cawood Cast Second Vote

UPDATE: I have been informed that Lloyd Daugherty and the gang (minus David Massengill) briefly talked about this post on The Voice. I have been told that Lloyd said he briefly looked into the story, but didn't find anything.

I wasn't able to listen for a couple of reasons. 1) I was working (same private sector job I have had for nearly 15 years.) 2) While in the vehicle or office betwen the hours of 9 am - 12 pm, I listen to Steve Gill. If you haven't heard Steve Gill, he is a statewide talk radio show host based out of Nashville. He has many callers from Knoxville, Campbell County and other surrounding counties. Steve talks about issues important to citizens across the state. Today, he had an excellent interview with State Senator Ron Ramsey. Talked about Governor Bredesen's muslimmas card. Steve is heard locally on AM 850 from 9 am - 12 pm.

Steve's mother and father are Linden and Betty Gill, excellent West Knox County residents.

Well, it apppears from my sources that beginning on Tuesday (the day after Cawood voted for his wife's position) Sharon Cawood was at work at the Juvenile Court in the Supervisory position.

No one really expected Lloyd to expose the story as he is buddies with Cawood. However, Lloyd and many of his callers have attempted to make statements trying to discredit the employment of Mayor Mike Ragsdale's wifes employment. (she works and has always worked in the private sector) It was simply an attempt to taint the Mayor. It was a similar effort as some used by the E.W. Scripps tabloid reporter and editor, who are also Lloyd buddies.

I was also informed that the voice gang read several guestbook entries from "anonymous" posters regarding Brian's Blog. There have been documented cases that the guestbook has been used by others purporting to be someone they are not. In July or August somone posted using my name with some mean and tasteless lies about J.B. I demanded that the posts be removed as I had not and will not even log onto the website as it is nothing but a by product of what resides in a landfill or a sewage treatment plant.

I was also informed from a source in the Knox County Schools Central Office Staff that an employee of an elementary school posted on the guestbook and an investigation could be forthcoming on this employee posting during school hours. I asked that school officials simply ignore the guestbook entry because 1) it probably is not who it says it is 2) it doesn't matter what is said. Look at the popularity of Sheriff Tim Hutchison or former County Commissioner Wanda Moody. All of the things said about them is not always right or favorable but they are still successful (except when Tony Norman capitalized on the term limit issue and defeated Commissioner Moody).

But, like Cas believed it doesn't matter what they say as long as they say it. In this case as long as they continue to talk and talk about the brand that is Brian Hornback.

UPDATE: Several East Tennessee Attorneys that practice Juvenile justice have contacted Brian's Blog today to report that Sharon Cawood is at the Division Street office. One day following her husband's unethical vote establishing another (her) Cawood salary. It appears that double dipping is taking place in the Karns Community at a residence located at 7541 Beaver Ridge Road.

It appears that The Voice on WVLZ AM 1180 is only concerned with governmental double dippers and alleged unethical behavior when it isn't one of their buddies. Mark Cawood is a buddy of Lloyd Daugherty, thus there is no exposure of the Cawood's as double dippers. Had it been Mike Arms, Mike Ragsdale or anyone that Lloyd doesn't like. The Voice would be calling for a Grand Jury investigation. What other connections do Lloyd and Cawood share?

Original Post: Last week Brian's Blog reported about the vote cast by Commissioner Mark Cawood in creating a job for his wife in the Juvenile Court Clerk operation. It was revealed here that Sharon Cawood was already on the payroll of the Clerk.

Last Thursday a couple of days after the intial Brian's Blog report. Supervisory employees of the Juvenile Court Clerk's office announced "that because questions have been raised" Sharon Cawood would be coming to the Juvenile Court Building on Division Street between Christmas and New Years.

This afternoon the request was on the Commission's Consent Agenda and it passed with all Commissoners voting Yes, including Commissioner Cawood. Cawood had an opportunity to explain his vote or recuse himself. He did neither, instead voting to increase his household income with money from the taxpayers.

Commissioner Ivan Harmon in conversation with me this afternoon explained that Commissioner Cawood is spreading lies about person(s) that are raise questions about this arrangement.

It appears that the close friendship between the E.W. Scripps tabloid writer and editor and Cawood have Cawood using lies and distortions as the new Cawood standard operating procedures.

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