Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Odd Going Ons at County Commission

My first volunteer stint in a political campaign was 1982, for Robin Beard. Robin became the Republican nominee against U.S. Senator Jim Sasser.

Since about 1988 I have followed the Knox County Commission. Yesterday, something was different that I had never seen before.

First, the curtain was open in the large Assembly Room looking out onto Main Street, Knoxville, TN.

Second, Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale and Greg "Lumpy" Lambert were on the same side of an issue. That probably was not that odd. However, combine that with the fact that Commissioners Hammond, Leuthold and Griess were against the position of the Mayor and that my friends was odd.

As I stepped outside to a beautiful evening with mild temperature and just a lovely day. A courthouse regular observer walked up to me and said. "I believe we need to make a phone call." I said "What?" They said. "Yes, because I believe Hell just froze over."

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