Thursday, December 21, 2006

Elected Officials and Conflicts of Interest

Several individuals have contacted me asking about the Conflicts of Interest or Unethical votes of Commissioner Cawood and if and why they do not apply to others in Knox County Government. Do not expect to see or hear this in the E.W. Scripps tabloid or on the local tabloid talk radio station.

Commissioner Craig Leuthold is an example. He works in the Knox County Trustee's office and serves as County Commissioner is that a Conflict of Interest? No. The citizens of District five knew before he was elected that he worked in the Trustee's office.

What about some others.

Commissioner Diane Jordan an employee of the County Trustee's office and County Commissioner. Commissioner Tank Strickland City of Knoxville employee and County Commissioner. Commissioner Mark Harmon UT Professor and County Commissioner. Commissioner Tony Norman Knox County teacher and County Commissioner. Commissioner Ivan Harmon City of Knoxville employee and County Commissioner. Commissioner Larry Clark Retired Knox County Teacher and County Commissioner. None of these are conflicts as the district knew what these people did before electing them.

The problem comes when you have been elected and you use your position or the position of your spouse to gain employment after you or your spouse is elected or re-elected. Sources have informed me that the Cawood's have been applying pressure since January of 2006 in attempting to get her a position.

My wife is a Secretary at a Knox County School, she began that job in 1991 or so. I served on the school board from 2000-2004. It isn't a conflict due to her seniority in the position long before I decided to run and be elected.

The Cawood's problem is becoming employed without proper notice and consideration to others that hold similar positions in that office for advancement. And the appearance that her hiring was for political purposes.

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