Thursday, December 21, 2006

Local Blog Forum Poster Distorts and Spins Just Like a Tabloid

UPDATE: The blog post in question has been removed by the blog forum administrator. The anonymous poster was called out (not outed, just called out) due to the fact that they were using a similar name to a regular poster.

I appreciate the continual talking about the brand that is Brian Hornback. I am always happy to respond to this type of cowardly anonymous posting. It is an attempt to spin in tabloid fashion a legitimate news story.

From this comment posted on the follow up post. Has the suspect(s) been reduced to individual(s) closely tied to the E.W. Scripps tabloid? The remaining question is. What did the E.W. Scripps tabloid editor know and when did the E.W. Scripps tabloid editor know it?

I knew StaceyD's Cat was not
Submitted by Sandra Clark on Thu, 2006/12/21 - 4:17pm.
I knew StaceyD's Cat was not StaceyD. They speak with different voices, and I think I agree with the cat more. -- s.

Original Post: This post at a local blog forum has taken a two year old story written by the legitimate, good Scripps writer Georginia Vines and attempts to spin the story in a negative E.W. Scripps tabloid writer and editor kind of way. Note that the poster cut the names of the well-known Democrats out and didn't allow you to read the whole story. The poster only wants to cut and paste the stuff that it wants you to read. Kind of cowardly, if you ask me.

The story actually ran 4 days after the election. Had the story ran before the election we could have picked up a percentage of the Democrat vote that may have led to a re-election victory. One well known Democrat that attended a May 2003 fundraiser for our 2004 campaign was former Knox County Democrat Party Chairman Jim Gray.

Our campaign was funded by normal everyday folks. Folks that have and continue to work hard everyday. Folks that recognized an independent thinker and a public servant of the people. I am appreciative of all the people that gave $1.00, $25.00 or hundreds of dollars.

Unfortunately, for our campaign there were no Republicans coming to the polls on February 10, 2004 as George W. Bush was virtually unopposed and our Republican voters stayed home. For our opponent every kind of liberal showed up to vote for Democrat candidates Sharpton, Dean, Kerrey, Edwards etc. and our opponent received more votes. That was fine. There was a story about the lack of Republican voters about the same time as this story, but the poster doesn't want you to see that one.

I was respectful, called our opponent the night of the election and congratulated her on her win.

Everything happens for a reason and I am grateful for continuing to be in God's will. I was able in March of 2005 to be selected to led this great Knox County Republican Party and together our Party defeated all but one Democrat candidate in 2006. We hold all the positions we currently held. Congratulations to Mark Harmon, btw.

Whatever my future holds only God knows and I am simply doing my best with what I have and am blessed to have some friends that are well known Democrats and prominent Republicans, including all the Knox County Republican elected officials and that includes my friend Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale.

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