Sunday, January 14, 2007

Jack "Conflicted" McElroy on Knox County Government

Why would I refer to Jack McElroy, the E.W. Scripps Editor of the daily newspaper aka Knoxville News Sentinel? Because he serves on all kinds of boards of non-profits but of course he has no conflict. Yeah Right. Jack needs to do what the E.W. Scripps publisher (Bruce Hartmann) did with his board position at South College. Resign. Resign from everyone and then you will not have a conflict.

From what I understand Jack "Conflicted" McElroy appeared on Inside Tennessee and said that the replacement of term-limited incumbents isn't about party building.

It depends on what side of the fence you are looking from. In every race where a Republican serves today the runner-up is a Democrat. In every race where there is a Democrat a Republican was the runner-up.

Of the 8 Commissioners 5 are Republican and 3 are Democrats.
Of the 4 Countywide Officeholders 3 are Republican and 1 is a Democrat.

So, if you are Jack "Conflicted" McElroy it is about party building. Party building the Democrat Party and tearing down the Republican Party.

The question for Editor McElroy is: How is that position on the Democrat Board going for you?

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