Saturday, January 13, 2007

TN Supreme Court Opines

Yesterday, was historic. The opinion is in and the successful term limits refrendum campaign that I worked on in 1994 are in effect.

I am a tad late in posting for a few reasons. 1) I have finally moved all of the Brian's Blog Blogs to the new Blogger. The old "original" Blogger was slowing down as Blogger was moving over. This blog being a larger blog was not allowed to transition until yesterday and the switch was made. 2) I had vacationed for the last week of 2006 and the first week of 2007 in my second home of Florida. I arrived back to the frozen tundra of Knoxville a week ago today. Life has been hectic this week and today I had a couple of home projects and my youth basketball team had a successful start to the season this afternoon. WBIR and Volunteer TV caught me just prior to coaching and it was good to see Gary Loe and Kay Watson, two excellent reporters.

There is really nothing to say about the Supreme Court decision. I have always been a proponent of term limits. Unfortunately, it causes us to lose excellent public servants like Sheriff Tim Hutchison, a Sheriff that brought our department from caveman status (no intended insult to cavemen everywhere) to a 21st century department. The loss of Sheriff Hutchison will be felt for many years to come.

We lose a great public servant like Trustee Mike Lowe. Trustee Lowe from the time he became our Trustee has looked for ways to streamline the operations. He proposed cost saving efficiencies like combining county and city tax statements. Something the city continues to fight.

We lose a great public servant like Register of Deeds Steve Hall. Register Hall has always dedicated himself to working for the citizens of Knox County. He is always in the office and is always insisting on treating the customers (taxpayers) with respect and a helpful attitude.

We lose some good public servant County Commissioners like John Griess, Phil Guthe, Billy Tindell, Diane Jordan, John Mills and Larry Clark.

But at the end of the day the citizens will get to select good quality replacements. The citizens selected these and the citizens will again select replacements. In the interim the Charter is valid and the legislative body (County Commission) may select some replacements until the 2008 election.

That is what the citizens voted on when they selected this Home Rule form of Government and the citizenry are NEVER wrong.
Stay Tuned more post will come on this issue.


  1. Can we call you commish now?

  2. I don't think so. yet. lol

  3. Brian -

    I'm with Stacey on this one.




  4. Hey, Hornback: Personally I think you need to go to Key Biscayne, walk on the beach wearing a windbreaker, dark socks and wing-tipped shoes and let somebody take your picture. But that's just me...

  5. Brian,

    I may not always agree with everything you say but I've always admired the hard work you always do for your candidates and your party. I do need to pose this question to you though...If you are and have been such a strong advocate for term limits as you claim, why did you aggressively campaign for most of these soon to be ousted office holders when they were obviously term limited? The recent Supreme Court decision didn't suddenly enact term limits; it just shot down all the flimsy excuses that had been offered so far to avoid term limits.


    Scott Emge

  6. Because it was/is my job.
