Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The latest on the South Grove Annexation

This morning the Knoxville News-Sentinel has a story written by Rebecca Ferrar updating the South Grove Annexation in South Knox County. This story follows an editorial written by Jack McElroy two or three Sundays ago. It certainly seems like the News-Sentinel is pushing this story because on face value it is a sensational story because to conspiraracy theorists this sells alot of .50 papers.

In the story today Rebecca Ferrar is reporting what the state AG's office says is the status of the investigation. It appears that there is a question of whether the state Attorney General is an appropriate investigator in this matter. Secondly, the News-Sentinel reports on campaign contributions to County Mayor Mike Ragsdale, County Commissioners and City Council members from Tim Graham and his partner in this project. It would appear from the story that the News-Sentinel is looking for a smoking gun where there is no smoking gun.

The News-Sentinel appears to be desperate to keep a story alive that just is about to die. But, then again the real side of this story (that everyone is missing) is that this invstigation is a BIG anti-property owner rights issue.

A certain group of individuals and a newspaper want to tell the Graham Corporation and Tim Graham the legitimate property owners what they can or can not do with property they own. This was a VOLUNTARY annexation.

Don't tread on a private property owners rights.

The question needs to be asked of the appropriateness of an E.W. Scripps employee (Sandra Clark, Editor of Halls News) serving on the board of Citizens for Home Rule (the organization leading the request for the investigation) and E.W. Scripps two Knoxville area publications pushing the issue for an investigation by the state Attorney General. Editorials written by both E.W. Scripps papers and numerous articles written with a given slant.

It certainly appears to be a conflict that E.W. Scripps have gotten themselves involved in.

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