Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Wilder is Out as Lt. Governor...Bredesen is Not Concerned. Yeah Right.

Bredesen has made his bed and now he will have to either sleep in it and get run over in the process. Or step and be a real leader and work with the Senate. Don't you know that the Democrats are praying Bredesen doesn't go into the woods this spring where the ticks live. The last four years Bredesen has not had to account for a corrupt Democrat leadership in the legislature. (In fairness, some of them were corrupt when he got there. But, he is the head Big man of Democrats)

The days of a Lt. Governor sleeping in the chamber. The days of a Lt. Governor telling an indicted State Senator caught on videotape taking bribes, you're a good man. The days of a Lt. Governor pushing through legislation just because Bredesen proposed it are over.

Bredesen better take a look at his cabinet tomorrow. He had better decide if he want's to work with a Senate led by Republicans focused on making Tennessee children successful with a competitve education system or continuing with a state education department that has allowed our high school drop out rate to rise to all time times.

Is he still going to allow a Safety department, where people are/were promoted based on the campaign contribution given to himself and Democrats. Is he still going to allow shredding of sexual harrassment complaint documents in his office.

This story of Ramsey being elected Lt. Governor is somewhat of a shock to most Knoxvillians, because the E.W. Scripps owned Knoxville News-Sentinel never run stories that show the Governor in an unfavorable light. You have to read the newspapers and watch media from middle Tennessee to learn the facts. Most citizens do not have the time for that. It is up to the blogosphere to expose the truth.
There will still be those that will attempt to defend Wilder, because he is a Democrat like a local tabloid reporter did this evening on a local blog forum.

Submitted by Bbeanster on Tue, 2007/01/09 - 6:42pm.
I like John Wilder.A conservative Democrat who did not turn Republican a la Strom Thurman and Trent Lott, and unlike them, he has never been a bigot. In a bitterly partisan era, he imposed a remarkable degree of comity on the body over which he presided."The Senate," he famously said, "Is the Senate."
Sure, it was to his benefit to do so, and he is a canny operator who for years managed to stay a step ahead of those who would do him in. He enjoyed support from such disparate members as Ben"Mr. Ethics" Atchley and the oft-indicted John Ford (who, btw, despite his general craziness and frequent legal issues, was a pretty reliable champion of the poor).I enjoyed Governor Wilder because he is a character the like of which we won't see anymore. He was a thinker of big thoughts who loved to speculate about "the Cosmos." At age 85, he's still piloting his own plane, "the Jaybird," to and from Nashville, and he has a trenchant wit and a sense of honor.
Yeah, he's guilty of not knowing when it was time to let go, but once he is gone, Tennesseans will be poorer for it. People will be telling stories about him as long as they live. I know I will.
I doubt that this fast-talking huxter who is taking his place will make one tenth the mark that John Wilder has.

I will be willing to bet that this poster has NEVER met Senator Ron Ramsey personally or if the reporter has that the reporter has never spent ten minutes talking to him. Name calling "fast-talking huxter" is real easy when the primary motivation for the reporter is that he fair and square bet a Democrat.

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