Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Thank You

On the blog of County Commissioner Mark Harmon. He posted the results of the preference poll that was conducted at the forum last night. I had a previous commitment and was unable to stay for the entire evening, which included the Fifth District portion of the meeting.

In the polling, I came in second overall and first in possible Republican Replacements. To all the good people at Whittle Springs last evening. Thank You.

Check out Commissioner Harmon's blog for the vote tally on all races. Here is how the Fifth District fared.

Tom Salter, 35
Brian Hornback, 6
Robin Butler, 3
Tamara Boyer, Kyle Philips, and Gregory Harrison, two each
Teresa Shupp, one
Marilyn Cobble, Ken Gross, or Pamela Treacy,no votes.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Brian. This is Henry, better known as Wolfpack.We met at the Cedar Bluff Library.
    I hope you will post/add a link to : www.johniaberry.org.
    The Berry family needs your help.Their daughter was murdered. They are seeking justice.I am sure you sympathize with that.

    I personally don't care who fills the commission vacancies. Should the people get to choose who fills them.Yes.The State Supreme Court made a mistake in not allowing us to vote.It's turned the process into a political travesty. It gives the appearance of back room deals and corruption that will taint the people who are selected. Their legitimacy will be in question because some people will feel they got the positions due to favortism or nepotism/political connections rather than from any merit-based process. So that will hamstring them in the eyes of the public in my view.

    I care about the constitutional offices much more.Those positions should not be political. The people in those offices represent all the citizens of this county. That is the way it should be.
    I am not a fan of Tim Hutchison.I don't know him personally but what I have heard and seen is not particularly good. I don't care about the arguments Moncier made.I don't care if Hutchison is rich or has made his friends and family rich or helped them get jobs, etc etc. I don't care about the car dealership, house building, wrecker services or any of that. If there's anything illegal about that let someone at the state or the US Attorney's office look into it.I don't care about that aspect of it.I do care about the crime solving and policing. I don't think the Sheriff's department has done a good job as far as the Johnia Berry case. The Sheriff's department investigates on average 5 homicides a year.Compare that to KPD's 20 a year. They simply don't have the experience or the expertise, in my view, to investigate complex cases. It's comparable to the Boulder PD when the Jon Benet Ramsey case happened.So they need assistance to solve Johnia's case and I don't buy Hutchison's rationale for refusing it. I think it has to do with the fact he is a temperamental individual and he has let his ego interfere with solving this case. No law enforcement leader can afford to do that.
    That's my view.
    Have a nice day.
