Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Thank You

I would like to Thank all my friends, church members and community activists that asked and encouraged me to submit my name, letter and resume for the position to be vacated by Commissioner John Griess tomorrow.

I considered it but never felt perfect about it. In an article published mid week last week I indicated that I was "leaning that way". I assured the Knoxville News-Sentinel reporter that when my letter was sent that she would be copied on it. She never received it because I never submitted it.

I am blessed to have many friends through out Knox County, some of them currently serve on Commission and many that will serve on the NEW Commission. To them I say Thank you for your words of encouragement and your phone calls.

I was amazed that my name was on the ballot last night at the Whittle Springs forum as I had not submitted a letter or resume. I was even more amazed that I had received the second highest number of votes (I did not cast a vote myself) and was the top Republican vote getter.

I encourage the Commission to make a selection from all of the qualified applicants. I will attend the meeting to see who all the new REPUBLICANS are. Best Wishes and God speed.

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