Monday, February 12, 2007

Brian's Blog was the first to break the story of the Cawood's fleecing of the taxpayers

Brian's Blog in December broke the story about the Supervisory position that County Commission had voted for in Committee and said watch Commissioner Cawood vote for his wife's new position at the full Commission, which he did. Less than 40 days later, he orchestrates his wife's appointment to his seat without nominating or voting for her.

Rebecca Ferrar has this excellent piece in today's Knoxville News-Sentinel about the Cawood's fleecing of the taxpayers.

When Brian's Blog broke this story in December according to sources it was a topic on the low watt radio talk show that has since gone of the air (for the time being, their trying to find a new home. Brian Hornback believes in freedom of speech and hopes they make it back) However, Lloyd Daugherty said on the air that he had looked into the issue of Cawood voting for Cawood and found nothing there.

The problem with Lloyd is that when it comes to Mark and Sharon. Lloyd doesn't see the same corruption and deceit that he finds with others. What is the Cawood, Daugherty connection? Enquiring minds want to know.

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