Monday, February 12, 2007

Commissioner Sharon Cawood Conflicts herself

From today's News-Sentinel article she says "It may take some cuts in other areas to fund it," Cawood said. "I think the pension plan is a great one. We're going to have to fund it somehow."

Hate to break this to you, Sharon. The man you married is an employee of the Sheriff's Department (According to the Sheriff he was hired two weeks prior to the meeting where you were selected in violation of Tennessee's Open Meeting Laws) meaning you can't vote legally for anything with the Sheriff's Department. But then you probably will vote illegally, it's a family tradition.

BTW, Brian's Blog endorsed the Sheriff's Department pension when it was on the ballot. It makes us mad that someone has been appointed that now due to her husbands need to stay in the City County Building could bring the funding of the Sheriff's Department pension to a tie 9-9 with 1 pass due to Conflict of Interest/Ethics.

Nepotism, Conflicts of Interest, Corruption, Democrats, Senator John Ford those are just words with no real meaning to Mark and Sharon Cawood.

Was the voters intent in 1994 in passing term limits to make the Cawoods rich. Was the voters intent in 1994 to give Mark Cawood $90,000.00 plus per year. Probably not because Mark and Sharon Cawood were not married in 1994. They just figured out a way to game the system.

1 comment:

  1. >Was the voters intent in 1994 in passing term limits to make the Cawoods rich.<

    Absolutely not. It was also not the voters intent to see the parade of cronies (and one admitted drug dealer)that were appointed on Black Wednesday. In all fairness, this entire mess stinks to high heaven and the stench was produced by republicans and democrats alike.
