Monday, February 12, 2007

Commissioner Sharon Cawood Does Not Believe in Protecting Crime Victims

In today's Knoxville News Sentinel article Commissioner Sharon Cawood says. "What he does for the sheriff is nothing crucial."

So Commissioner Sharon Cawood does not believe that crime victims that must face the perpetrators of their crimes should have security when they face one another in a courtroom.

Commissioner Sharon Cawood in her statement is advocating that county taxpayers fund non crucial positions. After all her husband was a term limited Commissioner in her and her husbands minds the taxpayers are supposed to pay him $25,000.00 a year to be non-crucial.

As a Supervisor at Juvenile Court, I guess the court security there is "nothing crucial." She can feel that way since her office is in the back of the building behind the locked doors of the courtrooms.

1 comment:

  1. Brian -

    I'll be sure to let the judges know that Officer Cawood performs no crucial duty in insuring their safety.


