Monday, February 12, 2007

Volunteer Republican Women and West Knox Republican Club Meetings

Monday was a busy day for Republicans. The Volunteer Republican Women met at 12:00 at the University Club. I am still a bit under the weather. Still trying to recover from a cold that kept me down for most of the weekend (except for coaching the 4th and 5th grade boys team that I am helping coach)

So, I stopped into the Volunteer Republican Women's club meeting for about 15 minutes to make a few announcements. There were about 75 in attendance and they were scheduled to have a very nice meeting with entertainment by a Barber Shop Quartet and a presentation by Karin Coulter with Saving Little Hearts Foundation.

This evening the West Knox Republican Club met at the Copper Cellar. I attended to make the same announcements and to support a fellow First Baptist Concord church member. Fuad Reveiz the Tennessee All-American and Minnesota Vikings star kicker, real estate developer and host of three shows on the DIY Network was the speaker.

I didn't count heads like I am notorious for doing, however, sitting beside me was a fellow blogger, unknown to me at the time (hopefully, I was on my best behavior in the back of the room)

Fuad as always had some insightful, motivational type remarks. This evening was the first time that I had heard Fuad talk about how his family had migrated to the states. He is from Columbia, South America and his mother worked at the American Embassy. They had an opportunity because of her work there to come to the states and they came with $400.00 and 3 suitcases. His father started at a job in Miami working with forklifts and became Vice-President of the company. His mother worked at a Reservation center and then became a full time mom. Which as Fuad said was a harder job. His parents always talked about this is our opportunity, we are going to make the most of it.

Fuad talked about some of things he is experiencing in raising young men, Nick is at UT and Shane is at Farragut High School. He answered some questions about his HGTV/DIY television shows.

One of the funniest stories was during the introduction of Fuad by Haywood Harris. Haywood told a story about someone asking Nick or Shane about why their dad was a placekicker and they were not. The response was "we play football."

Fuad is a very successful businessman as partner in Blue Ridge Development based in Knoxville. They have developments throughout East Tennessee. It is good to see a great role model like Fuad give back to our community in the ways he has and how he continues with his involvement in supporting youth recreation organizations throughout Knox County.

Sherry Witt, Knox County Register of Deeds attended both meetings. Fred Sisk, Knox County Trustee attended the West Knox Club and will attend the next Volunteer Republican Women meeting. Sheriff Jimmy Jones is a bit under the weather and will attend both next month. Sheriff Jones had a representative at the Volunteer Republican Women meeting and two representatives at the West Knox meeting.

David Leaverton, Senator Bob Corker's East Tennessee field Representative attended the West Knox Club meeting while Rhonda Smithson also a staff member of Senator Bob Corker's Knoxville office attended the Volunteer Republican Womens Club meeting.

Trey Lefler with Senator Alexander's campaign staff attended the West Knox meeting and Elizabeth Howell with Senator Alexander's Knoxville office attended the luncheon. Trey is working out of the Nashville campaign office. He is a native of Loudon County, TN and I enjoyed meeting both he and his father after the meeting.

Appointed County Commissioner Frank Leuthold attended the meeting as well as my longtime friend, former Knoxville City Councilman Ed Shouse.

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