Thursday, February 01, 2007

Knox County Commissioner 2A Charles "Chuck" Bolus

This resulted in the Republican Party picking up a seat due to Democrat and District conflicts. Commissioner Mark Harmon nominated Amy Broyles. Commissioner Tony Norman nominated Jonathon Wimmer. Commissioner R. Larry Smith nominated Deborah Porter. Commissioner Scott Moore nominated Charles "Chuck" Bolus. Knox County citizen Charles "Smitty" Giles nominated Joseph L. "Chuck" Williams, Jr.

Knox County citizen Billy Tindell went to the microphone and attempted to speak and nominate Jonathon Wimmer. Former Commissioner Tindell was shouted down by Commissioner Mark Harmon asking for point of order of the Chairman. This was disrespectful toward a gentleman that has served the citizens of District 2 for 30 years and it hurt the candidate nominated by Mark Harmon and will hinder Harmon's effectiveness through 2010.

The first ballot ended with Bolus 7 Wimmer 6 Broyles 3 Porter 2 Williams 0. The second ballot ended with Bolus 7 Wimmer 6 Broyles 2 Porter 2 and 1 pass. A question was asked that the lowest vote getter is to drop off, however the lowest vote getter's were tied. The law Director said continue voting. The third ballot ended with Bolus 8 Wimmer 6 Broyles 3 Porter 2. Porter's name was dropped and the fourth ballot was cast ending with Bolus 10 Wimmer 5 and Broyles 3.

Republican Charles "Chuck" Bolus was selected as the Second District Commissioner in the seat that Billy Tindell held for 30 years.

The district and the Democrats can thank Mark Harmon for the Republican gain because had he supported the Democrat nominee that received the most votes on the first ballot. Jonathon Wimmer may have beaten Bolus. In fighting allowed Bolus to gain the seat. Chuck Bolus is a longtime friend and he will work hard and will be a balanced Representative for the Second District.

Certainly, Mark Harmon doesn't represent all the interests in the Second District and Bolus will balance the scales for the Second District.

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