Thursday, February 01, 2007

Knox County Commissioner 5C Frank Leuthold

Clearly this one appointment in the way it went down is an indication of the Scott Barker New-Sentinel story that appeared in the Wednesday paper and was mentioned here on Brian's Blog Wednesday morning.

First, Commissioner Tony Norman nominated Terry Shupp. Commissioner Mike Hammond in a move that only occured in this appointment yesterday deferred to Commissioner John Griess and asked to be recognized after Griess. Commissioner John Griess then nominated Frank Leuthold, former County Commissioner and father of County Commissioner Craig Leuthold. Commissioner Hammond then spoke in favor of the Leuthold nomination. Commissioner Greg Lambert nominated Robin Butler and Knox County citizen Baird Donahue nominated Tom Salter.

On the balloting Leuthold 15 Salter 1 Shupp 1 and Butler 1. A separate post will be coming on the issue of family members voting for family members, as Craig Leuthold did cast a vote for his father.

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