Thursday, February 01, 2007

Knox County Commissioner 6A Sharon Cawood

I will start this one out by saying that I have been critical on this blog in the past of Commissioner Mark Cawood's votes and behavior. I have been critical of his wife's new employment in the Juvenile Court Clerks office and Commissioner Cawood in voting for his wife's poition twice (once in Committee and then in the Commission meeting December 2006)

Yesterday Commissioner Mark Cawood is the one Commissioner that participated in the right way. He passed on the nomination process and he passed on voting for his wife. I am sure he assisted in the lobbying of Commission on her behalf (which violates the Tennessee Open Meeting law), but he passed. Brian's Blog is not endorsing the Cawood's. Brian's Blog is acknowledging that on the face this nomination and vote passed the smell test.

Commissioner Greg Lambert nominated Sharon Cawood. Commissioner R. Larry Smith nominated Howard Phillips. Knox County citizen Charles "Smitty" Giles nominated Vietnam veteran Jimmy Shelton. The vote was Cawood 15 Phillips 2 and 1 pass.

Sharon Cawood (from this point forward referred to as the appointed Commissioner of the Sixth District) replaces her husband as Commissioner Sixth District Seat A.

Look for a spirited campaign next in 2008 between the appointed Commissioner of the Sixth District and Chuck James. I will support, endorse and raise money for the election of Chuck James.

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