Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Brian's Blog Prediction for Wednesday May 9, 2007

UPDATE: 5:01 p.m. Brian's Blog was Right, Correct however you define accuracy. When others like tabloid girl, tabloid editor girl and the several posters over at the blog forum KnoxViews write it, it is not always accurate. However, when you read it at Brian's Blog it is reliable and it is fair and balanced.

Original Post 5:56:00 a.m. Based on conversations with sources in and near Knox County Government Brian's Blog is predicting that at today's State of the Community address there will be NO property tax increase proposed.

The State of the Community will be held at 11:00 a.m. today in the Federal Courthouse Courtyard across Main Street from the City-County Building.

The funding of the budget without a tax increase will make Mayor Ragsdale a hero in spite of Trustee Sisk's inability to play as a team member and part of an integral member of the greater team.

Trustee Sisk is holding out for the need to hire part timers for a supposedly Senior citizen tax freeze. The question is will he hire part-timers to fill in for his employees while they go out and raise campaign funds and campaign for their boss?

Just a question. Brian's Blog doesn't know the answer and is unwilling to attempt to answer it.


  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    No increase in taxes in Knox County? Man, your ability to forecast the future is as good as those dolts that appear on Coast-to-Coast with George Noory and Art Bell's program. The Mayor has asked the dips in Nashville, for the right to issue bonds to finance the ill-conceived pension plan - see today's Newsless-Sensless:

    "The mayor balanced the budget after lobbying the state Legislature for the right to issue bonds to finance the pension plan..."

    Do you know what a bond issue is? It is the PROMISE OF NEW TAXES IN THE NEAR FUTURE. Apparently Mr. Ragsdale has taken the cue of The Decider and is pushing us further toward financial oblivion.

    By the way, I notice that you never have comments to your I the first?

    A former Republican!

  2. "Trustee Sisk is holding out for the need to hire part timers for a supposedly Senior citizen tax freeze. The question is will he hire part-timers to fill in for his employees while they go out and raise campaign funds and campaign for their boss?"

    C'mon Brian be fair, if you have a problem with fee office holders using their employees to campaign for them while on the county's clock, then maybe you should chastise former Register Steve Hall(currently the highest paid administrative assistant in Knox County). He's done it for many, many years and last year during early voting I even had to suggest to one of his employee/campaigners that she might want to remove her employee I.D badge while there.

  3. No you are not the first.

    There was a post a week or so ago where it was noted that Brian's Blog was opening all barriers to commenting.

    However it is Brian's Blog and we will close off commenting if you all act like the people over at the local blog forum.
