Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Knox County Young Republicans Blogger Forum Last Night

Last night the Young Republicans of Knoxville had their monthly meeting at the Green Hills Grille. The meeting began at 6:30 p.m. The program was a Blogger forum. The Blogger's present were Terry Frank, Mike Faulk, Rob Huddleston and Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog.

Each blogger was asked about their blog, anything in particular about their blog, anything memorable, what is the political future of blogs and then questions were asked of each blogger about Presidential candidates Rudy Guilani, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Fred Dalton Thompson.

It was an informative meeting and was well attended by the Young Republicans. Check out the Knoxville YR website here and get involved. They are growing and sustaining a good core membership.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Being a Knox County Young Republican I can testify to Brian's support while he was County Chairman and his continued support of our group post County Chair has been greatly appreciated. The blogger forum was an informative event. I enjoyed hearing everyone's comments and perspectives on the blogging scene.
