Monday, May 07, 2007

Knox County Trustee Refuses To Cooperate

UPDATE: May 9, 2007 5:11 a.m. In today's Knoxville News - Sentinel, Reporter Rebecca Ferrar details and gets comment from Tustee Sisk on his unwillingness to be cooperative and his unwillingness to run an efficient office.

Sources have informed Brian's Blog that Knox County Mayor Ragsdale and his staff have met with all Knox County Officeholders and have requested that they place a hiring freeze on their staffs due to the Mandatory funding of the Sheriffs Department Pension Plan that the voters approved last fall.

All Officeholders have agreed to a hiring freeze in their departments in an effort to be cooperative and responsible in reducing the risk to the taxpayers in needing to increase the revenue through increased taxes with the exception of Knox County Trustee Fred Sisk.

Trustee Sisk is blazing new trails in refusing to implement the hiring freeze that every other Officeholder has agreed to.

Come on Trustee Sisk. Don't be the one leader attempting to bloat the office of Trustee while every other office in Knox County has implemented a hiring freeze. Republicans are for smaller government. RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) are for large bloated bureaucracies.

1 comment:

  1. "Come on Trustee Sisk. Don't be the one leader attempting to bloat the office of Trustee while every other office in Knox County has implemented a hiring freeze."


    The other offices don't need to hire more employees. As you know,their office's have been overstaffed and "bloated" for years.
    Have a great weekend!
