Thursday, May 03, 2007

Check Out this Week's Metro Pulse, Online and Print

The second week of their new and improved website. It looks good, Metro Pulse. But in addition this week is the Republican issue. Yes, believe it or not a Republican issue.

It has an in depth article about Fred Dalton Thompson, our next President.

However, Leslie Wylie has an "interview" with the three best Republicans in Knox County. The attractive and good looking Chair of the Knox County Young Republicans Stephanie Hundley, the intelligent 1st Vice Chair of the Knox County Republican Party Corey Johns and then there is me.

Stephanie, Corey and I are trying to get our schedules together to do some Metro Pulse signings. I just don't know if we can get it done or not with our busy schedules. However, I would venture to say that all three are likely to be at this Saturday's Lincoln Day Dinner. More on that later.

Have fun and enjoy. I had fun coming up with my answers. Hopefully, no one will be offended except for the Democrats. They can be offended, that is O.K.

Leslie did a great job, she and the Metro Pulse have moved up in the Brian's Blog media rankings.

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