Wednesday, May 02, 2007

School Board Meeting - Board Discussion and Final Votes

back to main motion. Cindy Butry is demanding a division of the questions. A Vote on the division will be required. A recess is taken to seek the opinion of the Law Director.

Citing Superintendent Mullins Memo of today. There will be two votes with items B, C and D the Collective Motion of the Rezoning as one vote and item A Exception to Sibling Attendance will be the second vote. Motion by Buttry and seconded by Bratton to divide.

A spells out the sibling grandfathering policy. All students in grades 6-12 in 2008/2009 will have the option to grandfather to the high school they are currently zoned to.

The Vote on the division of the questions passes with 6 vote in support and 3 in opposition.

Anderson Y
Kincannon N
Buttry Y
Murphy N
Carson N
Deakins Y
Stooksbury Y
Williams Y
Bratton Y

Now the vote on the Superintendent's Rezoning Recommendation. Dr. Murphy asked if this is the vote. Some discussion ensues between Bratton and Murphy about amendments. Dr. Murphy said this process has been going on for years. The Board Chair at the time looked at 50 parcels of property. Hardin Valley is the best choice for the high school. Dr. Murphy said we have to vote on a systematic plan. There is an exception transfer policy. I will ask the Superintendent to look at that policy and set it up on an as needs basis.

Robert Bratton said we said we would look at pockets of population. I have been with this government for over a decade and asked about a transfer and it was denied. I said I would look at transfers and it was approved.

Sam Anderson said that voting on grandfathering is very specific. The Superintendent should have the ability to change it. I don't want to limit him. I will vote for the rezoning. After all the work that we put into this, we need to vote on it.

The vote on the rezoning passes with 5 in support and 4 in opposition.

Anderson Y
Kincannon Y
Buttry N
Murphy Y
Carson Y
Deakins N
Stooksbury N
Williams Y
Bratton N

The vote on Grandfathering Siblings passes unanimously with 9 board members casting votes in support.

Anderson Y
Kincannon Y
Buttry Y
Murphy Y
Carson Y
Deakins Y
Stooksbury Y
Williams Y
Bratton Y

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