Wednesday, May 02, 2007

School Board Meeting - Board Discussion and Amendment Vote

back to main motion Thomas Deakins stated that if the Superintendent's plan passes. I want to met with you and let's look at taking a greater percentage from the Farragut school zone.

Indya Kincannon presents amendment to keep the Spring Hill community in the Fulton zone. Seconded by Dr. Murphy. She didn't bring a map "in order to save trees." The board members were informed on Monday night that any board member making an amendment this evening have it reduced to writing with a map.

Bratton and Kincannon have a discussion of what is free and reduced at A-E 78% Fulton 64%. Is it a negative racial impact. Anderson says No. Anderson said that A-E is 85% Africian-American 15% White. Spring Hill is 50/50.

Kincannon informs the board that the 4 schools that are in good standing are Farragut, Powell, Gibbs and Bearden. Robert Bratton explained to Mrs. Kincannon that at the community meeting at Fulton High School which is the only high school in her district that she informed the community that Knox County has 8 failing High Schools.

Mike Winstead of Knox County Schools explained the difference between a targeted school according to NCLB and a failing school according to NCLB. NCLB is the Federal No Child Left Behind Program.

Jim Williams responding to Indya Kincannon that Gibbs is losing students and Carter is losing students. Gibbs is growing and Carter is Not.

The Amendment failed with 3 in favor and 6 in opposition.

Anderson N
Kincannon Y
Buttry N
Murphy N
Carson Y
Deakins N
Stooksbury N
Williams N
Bratton Y

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Deakins should have made the request to go ahead and take Karen Carson neighborhoods which she work so hard to keep in after the orginal proposal was given that took her to Hardin Valley. She always states that her family wants to go (open enrollment for; yeah right)
