Wednesday, May 02, 2007

School Board Meeting - Board Discussion and Amendment Vote

back to the main motion Thomas Deakins presents an amendment to redefine the area west of Everett Road the 6 subdivisions and the Ridgeland subdivision remain in the Farragut High School zone.
The Amendment to the motion fails with 1 in favor and 8 in opposition.

Anderson N
Kincannon N
Buttry N
Murphy N
Carson N
Deakins Y
Stooksbury N
Williams N
Bratton N

Sam Anderson said I appreciate what you are trying to do. A certain group from Farragut pushed the Commission and County Mayor for a new high school.

Karen Carson said I realize that we are going to have to look at rezoning Farragut again. The community said they would rather not do it again in 4 or 5 years.

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