Wednesday, May 02, 2007

School Board Meeting - Board Discussion and Amendment Vote

The Board Chair announces we are back to the Main Motion. Rex Stooksbury offers an amendment that 80 plus students from Central to Powell be sent to Powell and no others be moved out of Powell. Deakins seconded the amendment.

Cindy Buttry stated that because of what just happened I will be voting No on all amendments and on the main motion. Audience applause.

This is a net increase of 83 students at Powell from Central from Superintendent Mullins proposal.

Indya Kincannon said I am concerned it is to keep low income students out of Powell. I know that you can get a good/excellent education at Central. I will ensure that all 13 of our schools are excellent. Test scores are only one measure and not the only measure of a successful school.

Sam Anderson said First, Mr. Stooksbury, Thank You for the maps. What will the enrollment at Karns be? Stooksbury it will not affect enrollment much at all.

The amendment is to rezone 73 students from Central to Powell. The amendment fails with 4 in favor and 5 in opposition.

Anderson N
Kincannon N
Buttry N
Murphy N
Carson N
Deakins Y
Stooksbury Y
Williams Y
Bratton Y

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