Wednesday, May 02, 2007

School Board Meeting - Board Discussion

Cindy Buttry stated that I did respect this board by bringing it in writing and with a map. Mrs. Reynolds doesn't know who is coming, now. My proposal not having the numbers that affect each school is irrelevant. It is the growth. You know what the numbers are in the growth.

We are not affecting anyone that does not know they are being rezoned. If School Board members want to make amendments and add on to make Hardin Valley a more viable high school. Then that is fine.

Robert Bratton asked that he needs 10 minute recess to come up with an amendment to make this a viable school.

Chairwoman Carson obviously perturbed at the request granted a 5 minute recess.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Maybe some of the school members had low blood sugar tonight. I make a motion that we feed them.
