Wednesday, May 02, 2007

School Board Meeting - Board Discussion

Mr. Anderson is addressing the board We have an open zone, there are 5 private schools in this area of teh county. The County Mayor was going to build a Downtown Library the people of Farragut said No, we need a High School.

We wanted to build a school at I-40 and Pellissippi and couldn't find a site. Editorial Note: This is not true. Property was located on George Williams Rd. and Anderson voted NO.

A parent (Community Activist Pamela Treacy) went forward and asked Madam Chair if something is said that is wrong can we (the audience) help you by correcting it. Chairwoman Carson said NO.

The parent informed Brian's Blog hat Mr. Anderson's statement that the Farragut community was opposed to the Downtown Library and demanded a new high school was inaccurate. What the Farragut community asked for was a solution to overcrowding not a new high school in the Hardin Valley community.

Robert Bratton said if we approve a zoning with a half a dozen amendments you are changing 80% of the proposed plan anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Pamela Treacy (PT on KnoxViews) was the parent.
