Saturday, June 09, 2007

Brian's Blog @ the Metro Pulse

Brian's Blog has received some interesting comments privately about the Metro Pulse Ear to the Ground concerning State Representative Stacey Campfield's Republican opponent. Brian's Blog broke that story last weekend. We had an excellent source and credited Hubert Smith with the information about Campfield's opponent.

Brian's Blog sent an email to various members of the media alerting them that the information was on the blog. Frank Cagle of Metro Pulse was one of the individuals that received the email. So, on Thurdsay when Metro Pulse used the information as its own with out citing Brian's Blog it was bizarre. Brian's Blog didn't think much about it until we began receiving emails, phone calls etc.

Certainly, here at Brian's Blog we will cite Metro Pulse or any other news publication where we receive information. However, with Frank and the gang at Metro Pulse obviously they do not cite their sources. Individuals wonder why some in Knoxville media get the reputation of being lazy. They take a good tip without any work or effort and make it their own.

That is o.k. Brian's Blog is happy to assist Metro Pulse. Maybe Brian's Blog will get a cubicle in the Sunsphere office of the Metro Pulse.

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