Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Knox County School Board Changes Leadership Mid-Year

When the Knox County School Board met in workshop session Monday night and again in an "Official" Board Meeting on Wednesday. There was a new School Board Vice-Chair sitting beside the Chair. Instead of Third District School Board Member and the boards current Vice-Chair Cindy Buttry sitting in the Vice-Chair position it was none other than Knox County Law Director John Owings.

Law Director Owings appears to have the distinct honor of being Knox County Law Director and School Board Vice Chair. Brian's Blog is unclear if one or the other is a promotion or a demotion.

Cindy Buttry has been sent to the former Law Director's seat on the other side of the Board's secretary. Far and away from any of the goings on of the meeting. It has been noted by many in attendance at the May meeting of the School Board that the Vice Chair maintained her composure and professionalism during the meeting (which has been rebroadcast the entire month of May and is in the video archive on the School Systems website) and the Chair was not able to do so.

Brian's Blog has contacted the Law Director and a few board members seeking clarification on this change of board leadership. We will continue to follow the issue and will report, again. However, there has not been a new board leadership vote. So, Cindy Buttry is still the Vice Chair. She is just not being allowed to fulfill her duties as perscribed by the boards policy manual. She was elected by a majority of board.

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