Friday, July 13, 2007

E.W. Scripps Harry Moskos Back In Knoxville

There have been Harry Moskos sightings in Knoxville. With his return to Knoxville does that mean that Jack McElroy has stepped on a banana peel and is on his way out of Knoxville? Or will Moskos become the Editor of the new E.W. Scripps publications? You know the publications Shopper, Metro Pulse and Knoxville Magazine. Or is Moskos just back in town?


  1. Anonymous11:12 AM

    who cares?

  2. Well, Some Brian's Blog readers believe that it is news and better news than what the E.W. Scripps tabloid prints.

    There are many stories both somewhat factual and many lies that when read in the E.W. Scripps tabloid people say "who cares?"

    I think it will be interesting that when Moskos is put in charge of the Shopper, Metro Pulse and Knoxville Magazine to see how Sandra Clark and Betty Bean will change overnight.

  3. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Obviously...Scripps wants to own the world! Why don't they can the everso weak Fine Living before they spend anymore of their stockholders money! Next they will want to buy WBIR or WATE!

  4. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Exactly...who cares? Scripps is a legend it it's own mind!

  5. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Who cares...Scripps is a legend in it's own mind.
