Sunday, July 15, 2007

Herb Moncier PR Machine In Full Speed

Today's Knoxville News - Sentinel has a feature story on none other than Knoxville Attorney Herb Moncier. It is a story written by Georginia Vines. It is the best advertorial (that is a news piece that is paid for by the subject of the story) that I have seen. It is promoted on the front page of the Sunday edition.

Now, I am not saying that Moncier actually paid for the advertorial, I am saying that it can be listed as an in-kind contribution from the News-Sentinel and E.W. Scripps. The Knoxville News-Sentinel has certainly profited from their "reporting" of the multiple Wanda Moody/Herb lawsuits.

The reason for the advertorial showing a softer side of Herbert is that Moncier has crossed the line up in Greene County and faces a Contempt judgement that could place him in confinement for 1 year, forfeiture of his law license and significant fines.

So, the News Sentinel and E.W. Scripps is trying to protect the one guy that has helped them to sell papers over the years. Nice.


  1. Brian -

    Yeah, the story was a bit over the top - even for the KNS.

    Oh, and I think that Herb can only be jailed for 6 months under federal criminal contempt, not a year.



  2. I think it was the KNS where I got the one year. But, if not I apolgize.

    Anyway, six months is Good.

  3. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Herb Moncier out performs any attorney I have ever seen. As far as jail time, Judge Greer, if he had it his way, would give Herb life in jail if he thought he could get by with it.
    Herb's lighter side does not surprise me one little bit. Business is Business and Family is Love to Herb.

  4. maggie mae:

    I am sure family is his love. Just as I love my family. My point is that it doesn't belong on the front page of the local section appearing to be a news item.

    Buy an ad in Family Living is all that I am saying.
