Sunday, July 15, 2007

Shopper Reporter Jake Mabe Exposes The Truth

In this week's Halls Shopper News Reporter Jake Mabe publicly exposes what many in Knox County have seen for years. However, Jake has the intestinal fortitude to publically expose it.

Jake was covering a community meeting where Former Superintendent of Schools Earl Hoffmeister was promoting the Biography of his life. The book written by a former employee of Hoffmeister is loaded with inaccurate information.

The most glaring is Hoffmeister's recollection that he beat Former Superintendent of Schools Mildred Doyle in 95 of 96 precincts. The author of the book recorded it as fact in her book. Jake simply called the Reference desk of the Knox County Public Library to verify the information. Jake discovered that Hoffmeister and the author of the book simply got it wrong. Come to find out Hoffmeister could not carry Mildred Doyle's home base of South Knoxville or even West Knoxville.

In Hoffmeister's talk he trashed the years of service of Ms. Doyle. The kind lady is not here to defend herself against his lies and distortions of her record. One thing that we all now know is that the author of the Biography and good old Earl are not honorable or honest individuals.

All of the politicians and community members that have aligned themselves with this dishonorable and dishonest person (Earl Hoffmeister) should immediately demand that he publicly apologize and retract his comments and that a revision be provided to correct every copy of the book and to forever censure himself from his dishonorable and dishonest talk about Ms. Doyle.

Many of us that have been in Knox County all of our lives have known the real Earl. Now Jake Mabe has publicly exposed it.

Good job Jake.

Check out Jake's column about the Lies and Distortions of Earl Hoffmeister and the author of his biography, here.

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