Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Congratulations to Barry Bonds on #756

Congratulations to Barry Bonds for hitting Home Run #756. He passed the 755 record of Hank Aaron.


  1. 756* -- Home runs hit while doped up on steroids, 1999-2005.

  2. Jake

    That is an unproven allegation. However, when I posted this I figured you would be the one to try and taint Bonds accomplishment. It is o.k.

    It is still an accomplishment worth noting and his accomplishment does not deserve an *

  3. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Sorry Brian, I agree with Jake!

  4. Nancy:

    It is fine for you to agree with Jake. Bond's realizes that there are alot of people that have personal problems with him and his accomplishment.

    Steroids does not bring the bat to the ball. His accompliahment does not deserve an *

    We all have a right to our own opinions on this subject and Brian's Blog is happy to give you and Jake a forum to express us.

  5. Bonds couldn't hold Aaron and Ruth's jock strap...

  6. I am sure he could but wouldn't want to.
