Friday, August 10, 2007

Hallerin Hilton Hill Morning Show

I had the opportunity this morning to call into the Hallerin Hilton Hill Morning Show. The show airs Monday - Friday 6:00 am - 10:00 am on FM 100.3.

The reason for my call was to explain the TN Sunshine Law. A previous caller had asked if a meeting between Mike Arms Chief of Staff to Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale and Commission Chairman Scott Moore was a violation of the Sunshine Law. I explained that the Sunshine Law addresses meetings between members of the same body. (ie. Commission, School Board, City Council, MPC, Industrial Development Board)

Hallerin then asked about my blog and the lay-off of Hubert Smith. I explained to Hallerin that I was happy to address it.

I informed the listeners that my blog was the only media in December 2006 that reported the Commission approving the position of Supervisor of Juvenile Court Clerk's operation prior to the vote in creating the position. My blog pointed out that then County Commissioner Mark Cawood voted to create the job for his wife. As history will reveal, that was an accurate report. Within 45 days, he nominated his wife for another county paycheck, that of taking his place as the County Commissioner.

I explained to Hallerin three examples of where my sources have called me to ask and inform me of her activities that are not part her county job in the Court Clerk's office.

I have received many calls from the Karns community concerned that she attends the meetings and activities of the Karns Professional and Business Association meeting and is never rushed to get back to her county job.

I have received many calls from the Powell community concerned that she attends the meetings and activities of the Powell Professional and Business Association meetings and is never rushed to get back to her county job.

One recent morning, she and fellow County Commissioner Greg "Lumpy" Lambert traveled to every school in the Sixth district delivering county tax payer checks to help fund school activities. Several parents called asking why she wasn't attending to her county job with the Clerk's office.

I explained that Hubert Smith was NOT a source or the source for any post involving Sharon Cawood or the Clerk's office. There are many constituents of Sharon Cawood that call and inform the Brian's Blog staff where Sharon is and what she is doing.

I reminded Hallerin and his listeners that the reason my blog exposed this gross misuse of tax dollars was due to her comments at the July Commission committee meeting that all who have resigned should be named. Well, Sharon wasn't named until Brian's Blog but now she is resigning on August 17, 2007.

So, based on her public position on the issue, the county should name her as well.

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