Saturday, September 15, 2007

Admirals Visit Bearden

O.k. I am not going to pour salt into the wounds of the team that Farragut beat last night. Why? For several reasons, One I know allot of the student athletes at Bearden and they come from good families. Second, a couple of bloggers (she is located here) and (he is located over here) were there last night and they have been nice to me over the years when others haven't. Their daughter is in the band and dad was very proud of her last night. (Hey, Cathy I tried to get the young photographer with the professional lens to swap his camera for the one Doug had. The kid said he would do it today.)

I missed the first half due to a family commitment. I attended halftime to be with my friend Commission Chairman Scott Moore and his lovely better half as Chairman Moore presented a $500 check to the Bearden High School football boosters in memory of former Bearden High School football Coach Bill Wilson to help toward the construction of Bearden's newly proposed football field house. He also presented a $500 check to Farragut High School football boosters to continue to help them with the programs assisting their student athletes.

I stayed for all the third quarter, as Bearden began to make a couple of drives down the field adding more points to the board. I was getting tired and wearing a suit was not very comfortable. So, I left listening to the game on WFIV 105.3 FM (Farragut's Independent Voice). I made a couple of quick stops and got home and was finishing up some work and listened to the remaining portion of the game. After two overtimes. Farragut won 35-28.

Congratulations to both teams. I worry about Bearden every time Farragut plays them. Because eventually we are apt to get beat.

Heck, Bearden won the canned food drive collecting 94 pounds of food per student. That is AWESOME, baby!


  1. Anonymous7:56 PM

    It was a pleasure to see you at the game Brian! I enjoyed chatting with you and could have talked your ear off...wait...I may have done just that!

    Congrats on the win! The kids on both teams played very well! I was a bit disappointed in some of the booing from the audience during the game and during Scott Moore's check presentation. Regardless of how those "adults" feel about Scott Moore, his contributions to the schools were admirable, and the show of disrespect was out of line. Certainly not the example I believe the parents should be demonstrating to the high schoolers.

    To be honest, I was rather surprised at the closeness of the game. Look out next year!

  2. Doug:

    Thanks for your comments. I have emailed Gene Patterson because he reported on his blog that Scott was soundly booed. That wasn't accurate. He was booed, but not soundly. I think maybe Gene has been talking to the tabloid girls.

    Hey, we probably won't have to wait till next year. We will probably have to play each other in the first round of the playoffs again like we have the last couple of years.

    I worry everytime they kick off. But it is just a game.
