Saturday, September 15, 2007

Who Is The Poster Family Of Nepotism?

The award goes to the Karns resident family named "The Cawood's"

Here is the facts and background that crowns the Cawood family as the "Poster Family of Nepotism"

First, there was Mark. He defeated a true public servant County Commissioner Jim Harbin after getting humiliated in a bid for State Representative against Charlie Severance in the 1980's. His brother former Roane County Attorney "Chris Cawood" served a brief stint as State Representative from Roane County and got into some legal trouble for actions involving his legal practice in Roane County. He then moved back into Knox County's Cawood District. Mark was again humiliated countywide in his failed bid to oust Knox County Property Assessor Parkey Strader in the early 1990's. Mark even utilized a campaign dirty trick or two that backfired in his humiliating thumping at the ballot box.

In December 2006, Mark voted to get his second wife (Sharon) a job in the Juvenile Court Clerk's office. A similar job that he had in 1998, when he had to resign from the General Sessions Court Clerk's office when he was exposed for double dipping.

Then Mark Cawood got dumped out of his seat by the TN Supreme Court on January 12, 2007. He then frantically went to looking for himself a job and became a bailiff in Knox County, prior to his vacating the Commission seat.

He then lobbied and cut deals to put his wife into the Cawood commission seat. Then in July 2007, Brian's Blog exposed her inattendance in performing her job in the Juvenile Court Clerk's position. In August of 2007, she resigned her position with the Juvenile Court Clerk's office after having been exposed.

With one credible Republican candidate announced (Matthew Jones) against her and several more candidates expected to announce as Democrats and Independents. The Cawoods are trying to determine how to keep the check in the family. The answer. Have your brother /brother in law run by his legal name Fredrick C. Cawood, not by the name in the news from Roane County "Chris Cawood".

This way. When Sharon is defeated in the primary, the check has the ability to stay in the family. It is still possible for Mrs. Cawood the mother of Mark and Fredrick to run as a Green Party candidate.

So, when you are looking for pictures to put on the poster of nepotism. It is the family photograph of the Cawood's.


  1. Anonymous10:08 PM

    well, i suppose matthew is very qualified..didn't he run a restaurant or something?

  2. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Thanks Cawood 1 and Cawood 2 for commenting. Matthew is qualified. He is a graduate of Maryville College and has aloy of real world experience.

    The only qualification that Sharon has that Matthew doesn't have is that he isn't the second wife of Mark and he has NEVER married a Cawood. That is a good thing.

  3. Anonymous11:49 AM

    i'm glad he has a lot of experience.has he ever served in government before? and why is it that its okay that he has a county job and is running for office...thats not double dipping.wouldn't he be getting two government checks if he's elected? please explain the difference bruce i.e. brian.

  4. Anonymous7:07 PM

    It is not required to have government experience. The only experience the second wife of Mark had was the job he husband voted in December 2006 to create for her.

    Thanks for commenting Thing 1 and Thing 2. I mean Cawood 1 and Cawood 2. BTW, I am Lillian not Bruce or Brian.
