Thursday, December 06, 2007

Congratulations to My Republican Senator Lamar Alexander

Congratulations to my Republican United States Senator Lamar Alexander for being selected by his colleagues as a Republican leader in the United States Senate.

Now we know why the liberals of the Democrat party are skeered (East Tennessee slang for scared) of Lamar! After all the little boy of Ned McWherter, Mikey and the former TN Democrat Chairman Bobby have chickened out of challenging Lamar! They have discovered what all of us have know for years. That Lamar! is a national leader.

Senator Lamar! unveiled his plan after his selection is "to help craft a message that would shore up the party’s base and appeal to independent voters."

He also said “I thank my colleagues for giving me this opportunity and will work hard to make both the Senate and the Republican Conference as effective as possible,” said Sen. Alexander. “I look forward to working with Sen. McConnell and the entire Republican leadership team as we work to solidify our party’s base while attracting more independents.”

My other Republican United States Senator Bob Corker said, “Lamar has a unique skill set that will make him an outstanding Conference chairman. He can take a complex message and distill it into terms that are easy for the American people to understand. I believe that his leadership will be good for the Senate and for our country."

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