Friday, December 07, 2007

The Liberals on the Local Liberal Blog Forum Suffer From The Double Standard and Are Awarded

One of the team members of Brian's Blog came to the think tank discussion today and said those liberals on the local liberal blog forum have a double standard.

How so?

"After all the posts about Larry Craig and Mark Foley, how many posts about Carl Scarbrough have we seen? Where is Carole, and all the other "it's all (always) about the kids" seekers of truth and justice? Where's the outrage for the light sentence? Could it be Scarbrough is a fellow liberal? I guess in that regard, for him, it really was all about the kids."

With that we have awarded all the liberals on the local Liberal blog the Hypocrites of the Year award. Congratulations you liberals you.

With a phone call over to the Johnson team think tank, the Hypocrites of the year received a "bless their little hearts."

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